Angelo Caro Enjoys a Day Off

But still skates, of course

Angelo Caro is repping Peru on the skateboarding scene, a country not necessarily considered a hotspot for the sport. As a professional skater, Caro is often quite busy. Skating is his business, after all. However, Red Bull’s series Field Day is dedicated to showing what a skater does on their day off. Of course, by the very act of shooting a video the skater therefore no longer has the day off, rendering the whole series kind of a conundrum.

Never the less, Red Bull went down to Lima, Peru – Caro’s hometown – to see what he would do on an actual day off. Mostly he hangs with his dogs and skates with his friends. Plus, right now Caro can’t really take a true day off, because he’s getting prepped for the Tokyo Olympics. Hopefully someday soon Caro will be able to relax and enjoy a true day off. One without cameras around.

Check out Field Day in the video above.


Related: skateboarding , red bull , Angelo Caro , field day .