Two LA Deputies Charged For Illegally Detaining Skateboarder

They threatened to drop him off in a gang neighborhood

Jesus Alegria is a 23-year-old skater skating at Wilson Park in Compton when he was illegally detained and thrown into the back of a patrol car without cause. The deputies in question dragged Jesus through an opening in the fence of the skatepark, and that's when they tossed him in the back of the car before racing off and making threats to take him to an unsafe location.

They attacked Alegria because he was shouting at the officers, telling them to leave the kids alone as they were allegedly harassing the other teenagers at the skatepark. That’s when they focussed all energy onto Alegria.

After he was detained and put in the back of the car, the deputies then engaged in a pursuit with a cyclist in an unrelated situation until they eventually crashed the vehicle like the complete bellends they are.
Alegria had sustained an injury to his eyebrow due to the crash; the deputies then told him to “Get the fuck out of here!”

"They grabbed him and threw him into the car without handcuffs," said attorney Humberto Guizar, who represents the skateboarder. "Just threw him into the backseat of the car, just drove off, and they threatened to drop him off in a gang neighborhood."

Jesus Alegria has already settled with Los Angeles County for $450,000.

Fuck the police.

Related: Jesus Alegria , Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department , Skateboardingisnotacrime .