Traffic Drops a New Full-Length

Get a look at the teaser now

Philadelphia is a city known for not taking any shit. Famously, Philadelphia Eagles fans booed Santa Claus. The city once beat up a hitchhiking robot. Maybe it’s all the cheesesteaks. However, the grit and edge of Philly brings us plenty of cool stuff as well. Take, for example, the skating company Traffic Skateboards. Traffic – founded by Ricky Oyola – usually keeps things pretty raw, even for their videos. We expect that usual Traffic energy in the new full-length from the crew, entitled Third Shift.

In addition to Oyola, the video features skaters like Kevin Coakley, Luke Malaney, Pat Steiner, Mark Wetzel, and many more. If you want to check out the teaser, you can do so above. If you like what you see of Third Shift from that little teaser, then you can head over to Theories of Atlantis and buy the full-length DVD. Grab a cheesesteak and enjoy!

Related: Skateboard video , traffic , traffic skateboarding .