The Women’s Skateboarding World Championship Winners
Over the weekend, Rayssa Leal became the 2022 women's World Champion, placing Chloe Covell second and Momiji Nishiya in third place.
There was a lot of positivity between one another, especially with Rayssa and Chloe towards the end, where they could be seen on camera playing a hand-clapping game in between tries. This just goes to show, that even in such a big contest, the sportsmanship in skateboarding is unique and unmatched.
The best part about skateboarding, past, present, and future, is that even in contests, nine times out of ten, the competition is your friend, or at least they become your friend while skating together and during the contest, sharing the experience. So then you got yourself a new friend to hit the streets with!
Friendship over rivalry.
Momiji pulled off a technical crook nollie heel on the flat ledge as you can see in the highlights posted on social media; it was a quick-footed and stylish nollie heel out; props on that Momiji, that was sick!
Then Chloe earned her 2nd place medal by putting down a big frontside flip down the stairs, a frontside flip worthy enough of Andrew Reynolds' approval!
Rayssa managed to bag an absolutely perfect kickflip backside lipslide on the gap to rail, which got her the big win! Not only is this a hard trick, but the way she did it was textbook! Just before the flip back lip, Rayssa also pulled off a super clean flip front board on the neighboring handrail, which is slightly bigger.