Santa Cruz Skateboards Celebrates 50 Years of Street Skating

The "F#�! Em" Video

Street skating is a culture, a lifestyle and an art form. And no one knows that better than Santa Cruz Skateboards, the legendary brand that has been at the forefront of the scene for five decades. To mark their 50th anniversary, they have released a new video that shows off their history, vision, and talent.

The video, titled "F*ck Em", features two of the most influential skaters of today: Erick Winkowski and Rob Pace. They are the stars of the show, as they show off their incredible skills and fearless style. From ramps and rails to pools and pipes, they do jaw-dropping tricks. 

This video isn't just about skateboarding prowess, but also about Santa Cruz Skateboards' spirit. It reflects their motto of "skate everything", their attitude of "f*ck em" and their passion for creativity. It is a reminder of why they are one of the most respected and beloved brands in the industry, and why they have inspired countless skaters around the world.

Related: Santa Cruz Skateboards , Skateboarding Culture , 50th Anniversary .