Santa Cruz Puts Erick Winkowski’s Deck to the Test
Skaters put their decks through a lot. However, typically that doesn’t rise to the level of being smashed by a sledgehammer. That didn’t stop the crew from Santa Cruz Skateboards from doing just that, though. In their latest product challenge, they put Erick Winkowski’s Dope Planet VX Deck through its paces, which evidently included a sledgehammer.
The VX decks are designed to be both thinner and stronger, so it makes sense to see just how strong they are. Santa Cruz decided to give Winkowski’s signature deck a handful of wallops from a sledgehammer, and then saw if they could still get some sick clips out of the board. This video also features a setup that includes the new Indy Stage 4s from Independent Trucks. Does the VX deck hold up to the hammer blows? Tune in to fine out!