Deluxe Launches Their “Skaters Vote Day” Initiative
Look, we may be preaching to the choir given our audience, but the election in the United States this November is extremely important. The Republican Party has been spending years disenfranchising the people they don’t care about, namely anybody who is not a rich white man, and have effectively destroyed the country. Donald Trump is only the face of their organization of pure evil, but getting him out of office come November is vital. We strongly encourage you to vote, and specifically to vote Democrat. Your vote counts. Your voice matters. If you are eligible to vote, you absolutely should.
You know who agrees with us? Deluxe Distribution, the San Francisco company that distributes goods like Antihero, Spitfire, Thunder, and many more. They have started a new initiative called Skaters Vote, which is designed to encourage skateboarders to use their vote to help their country. In fact, they have declared Thursday, September 17 “Skaters Vote Day.”
Deluxe wants to get as many skaters as possible registered to vote by the end of September 17. If you are eligible to vote in the United States but are not registered, please take the effort to register by the 17th. They also want you to use the hashtag #SkatersVote on social media with an image from the Skaters Vote website. If you are already a registered voter, maybe encourage your friends and family who aren’t to register. Use the hashtag anyway to get it out there. This is, in all sincerity, the most-important American election in any of our lives. You can’t vote blue this November if you aren’t registered, and Deluxe is doing the good work to try and make that happen. You should also look into voting with an absentee ballot given the current pandemic issues in the United States (exacerbated by Trump and the Republicans) to make sure you can vote as safely and securely as possible.