What Happend to Brooklyn Banks?

The full story, then and now

For those of you who don't know, the Brooklyn Banks is a legendary skate spot located in New York City. It's been a hub for skateboarders since the 1980s, and it's where some of the most iconic skate videos were filmed.

But here's the deal: the Brooklyn Banks ain't what it used to be. In 2016, the city started a renovation project that closed down the Banks for several years. And now, in 2023, the Banks are finally back, but they've been transformed into something completely different.

First off, the bricks. The Banks used to be covered in bricks that made it a unique and challenging place to skate. But now, those bricks have been replaced with concrete. Yeah, concrete might be smoother, but it just doesn't have the same feel as those old bricks. It's like going from a classic vinyl record to a digital download.

And then there's the size. The Banks used to be a massive skate spot that could accommodate dozens of skaters at once. But now, it's been shrunk down to a smaller area. Yeah, it's still skateable, but it's not the same. It's like trying to skate in a tiny apartment after being used to a massive skate park.

But here's the thing: we skaters are resilient. We adapt to our surroundings and make the best of what we've got. So even though the Banks might not be what it used to be, we're still gonna skate it. 

So yeah, the Banks might have changed, but that doesn't mean it's the end of an era. It's just a new chapter in the history of one of the most iconic skate spots in the world. And as skaters, we're gonna keep pushing and keep skating, no matter what.

Related: New York City , Brooklyn Banks , skateboarders .