Check Out the New Skaters Vote Video

Colin Read directs, Tony Hawk is involved, and you really should vote in America this year

As of this writing, Election Day is coming up in America. On Tuesday, November 3, you can go vote in person, although many people have already voted by absentee ballot. Although, if you want to do that, you should really hand drop your ballot off in a ballot drop-off box, because you can’t trust the mail in the United States right now due to Republican interference. In order to try and make sure all the skaters out there are voting, the group Skaters Vote has released another video, and it features some notable names.

The video is directed by Colin Read and is built around the simple message, “If you can skate, you can vote.” Which is not necessarily true, since teenagers two young to vote can skate, but we appreciate the message nevertheless. Because yes, if you are legally allowed to vote, you need to do it. Don’t be too cool for school. You know who appears in the Skaters Vote video? Mark Gonzales, Mark Suciu, and Tony Hawk. Yes, the Tony Hawk wants you to vote, and Dose wants you to vote as well. Specifically, vote for Joe Biden in the Presidential election and vote Democratic up and down the ballot. The Republicans just stole another Supreme Court seat to install the abhorrent Amy Coney Barrett to a lifetime appointment. If you as a skater see yourself as a friend of the downtrodden and oppressed, you need to vote blue in 2020. If you still need to watch the Skaters Vote video, you can do it on the group’s Instagram page.


SKATERS VOTE! A PSA by skaters @mandibleclaw @e_schleicher @classicbadjournalism @leonlikeslife @areallylongwalk and many more, FOR skaters, featuring @tonyhawk #markgonzales @krooked @marksuciu @tonyhawkny @sorrymydude @buggytalls @suminaynay @z.h.u1 @_weef @samarriabrevard @guymariano @theotisbeasley @youhitmefirst @skelly_sister @horacewendell @bedstuygardenguy @tajcam @jae.leanne @wulfcustom @josezapatero @dylangaffer @jennysaywhat @taildevil @huyhasbeen @leothelipski @leester415 @bradley_gnarbucks Skate to the polls this year! Visit for information and activation. #skatersvote

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Related: skateboarding , Pro Skater , Tony Hawk , America , Colin Read .