Plan B Shows Us a Day in the Life of Felipe Gustavo
In truth, there are a few different places doing “day in the life” videos showcasing skaters. It’s not exactly a fresh concept. However, don’t let that get you too down. It’s not like The Office was the first workplace sitcom, and nobody is complaining about it coming around. Watching a skater go about their day, while skateboarding, of course, is usually pretty interesting. That’s certainly true when the skater in question is Felipe Gustavo.
Plan B is the latest company to start a day in the life series, and the first episode features the Brazilian Gustavo. He’s a fine choice for the inaugural episode. His story is an interesting one, as when he was 15 he travelled from his native Brazil all the way up to Tampa for an amateur tournament, and then he went ahead and won it all. Now 29, Gustavo has relocated to the United States, but he hasn’t lost an ounce of his chops. More Day in the Life adventures will be coming from Plan B, but your Plan A should be to watch the first episode with Gustavo. Enjoy it, right now.