Cody McEntire Starts New Board Company SNAKE FARM

The wait is over

Cody McEntire has announced that he has started his own board brand, going by the name of Snake Farm Skateboards, meaning he is no longer riding for Blind Skateboards.

He has already put a team together, which consists of:

  • Chris Pierre
  • Hollywood Martinez
  • Wes Wallace
  • Dylan Foster
  • Anna-Marie Trute
  • Dale Bonnell
  • David Leoncini
  • Dennis Tiangco
  • Spencer White

The Berrics released an advert on YouTube (to watch, click the link below) where he is skating alongside drifters at the Texas Drift Academy. The ad shows him attempting a nollie bigspin from a large kicker over a drifting car.
There may be some mixed opinions on this first trick, especially considering the recent controversy in the industry lately over people's footage, it didn't really deliver, and we all know what he was aiming for it to look like; otherwise, the set-up wouldn't make any sense.

Regardless, the backside flip was perfect, and it's a unique advert.
Snake Farm only seem to have a small number of graphics so far, but we hope to see a lot more in the future! All around, Cody's fans are happy to see him out there doing his thing in a different way!

Check out the Snake Farm website and the YouTube ad above.

Related: snake farm , Cody McEntire , Company , skateboards .