Watch Paul Rodriguez do a Nollie Front Crook

Because why not?

Look, as with any subject, skate videos ebb and flow. You don’t get good, substantive content every day. Sometimes, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to skating videos to share with you. On other days, though, we are really up against it. However, we have a job here. Nay, an obligation. It’s to bring you dope skate stuff every day. So, with that in mind, here’s Paul Rodriguez doing a nollie front crook. Yes, it’s short. Yes, it’s truly just the Nollie front crook.

However, it’s P-Rod! He’s a legend! Also, his nollie front crook is so smooth. It’s only going to take you a few seconds if that. Then, you can get on with your day. Just remember, we found this for you. If you knew the material we had to pull from, you’d applaud us. We don’t do it for applause, though. We do it for you. Check out Rodriguez’s Nollie front crook!

Related: skateboarding , Paul Rodriguez , skate videos .