Vans New Full Length is a Global Affair

You’ll be happy to see them in action

No skateboarder is an island. There’s a poem that says that, or something close to it. Making a skate video is a collaborative affair, and Vans’ latest full-length is not merely collaborative. It is, in the brand’s words, “globally collaborative.” That means skaters from around the world all took part in the creation of this video. Oh, and don’t forget about those filmers! Vans’ video Nice to See You features a ton of skaters from around the world. Hey, it’s modern times, baby! Why not have skaters all around the world joining together to make a full-length worthy of a brand like Vans. Look, we won’t even begin to start naming the skaters involved in the video. There are dozens of skateboarders in Nice to See You and they span the world. Check out the full-length experience above, wherever you are in the world.

Vans makes skate videos and clothing, and now Dose does the same thing. Visit our online shop today.

Related: Vans .