Vague Drops Their New Full-Length Iso-Vague

It’s a skating video for our current landscape

This is a weird year to be trying to make skate videos, let alone a full-length video with multiple skaters. The pandemic has made this a trying, incredible difficult time for many. There were skateparks filled with sand to keep people from skating there. However, Vague magazine has made lemonade from these pandemic lemons. They’ve released a full-length video that leans into the current state of the world. Introducing Iso-Vague, the full-length built around quarantining.

This is perhaps the first socially-isolated skating video ever made. Much of the video is selfie based. Skaters didn’t just film themselves, but also edited their parts themselves. They couldn’t be together in person, but now they are all together in one 35-minute video. It’s a little strange at first, but you’ll get used to it. The list of skaters is long, and we couldn’t possibly serve them all justice. All we can do is recommend you watch Iso-Vague. Hopefully socially-distanced skate videos aren’t going to have to become a regular thing. For now, enjoy the video.

Related: Vague , video .