There’s a New Skateboarding Anime That Just Debuted

Are you ready to check out Sk8 the Infinity

We aren’t going to pretend like we are the most-astute when it comes to anime. Not to knock it, we just don’t want to pretend like we’re experts on the subject. However, we do want to tell you about a new anime that has just debuted, mostly because it’s all about skateboarding. The Japanese cartoon comes to us from Hiroki Utsumi and it’s called Sk8 the Infinity. It’s about, well, it’s about skateboarding, but not in a way that’s necessarily akin to what we do in our real world. For example, Sk8 the Infinity has a character named Cherry Blossom, who is a famous AI skateboarder. If you are into anime and skateboarding, this is a rare example of the two intertwining. If you aren’t sold on Sk8 the Infinity, you can check out the trailer above. If you are in the United States, you can watch the show on the Funimation app, and you can get a free 14-day trial of Funimation right now.

Related: Anime .