The Circus is in Town Thanks to Girl Skateboards

Not a literal circus. A skateboarding circus

Circuses aren’t really a thing anymore these days. At least, not in the way they used to be. Concerns about the well-being of animals has done away with stuff like lion tamers mercifully. Also, we don’t need to see any more clowns. Who needs a boring old circus when you can have a skateboarding circus? That’s what we get from Girl Skateboards, sort of, in their new video Nervous Circus.

In truth, this is mostly just a video of skateboarding highlights. However, there are a couple of circus touches involved that we won’t spoil. Fortunately, Nervous Circus is practically a clown car of skating talent. We’re talking Niels Bennett, Griffin Gass, Tyler Pacheco, Breana Goering, Rowan Davis, and more! You can’t get excitement like that under the big top. Girl has grouped together a fine team for Nervous Circus, and at almost 17 minutes of action, it’s a heaping helping of skating. We wouldn’t have minded a human cannonball, though. Quibbles aside, we recommend you take a look at Nervous Circus for yourself.

Related: Griffin Gass , Girl Skateboards , Niels Bennett , Tyler Pacheco , Breana Goering , Rowan Davis .