5 Steps To Analyzing And Improving Your Tricks

Pro-level progress

Do you want to learn new tricks faster and easier? Then you need to start analyzing your skateboarding clips! In this article, we’ll show you how to do it in five simple steps:

Step 1: Film yourself skating. Grab your phone or camera and record yourself doing the trick you want to learn. Make sure the camera is steady and has a good view of the whole trick.

Step 2: Watch the footage. Play back the footage in slow motion and pay attention to every detail of your trick. Notice how you position your body, where you place your feet, and when you pop, flick, or catch.

Step 3: Compare your footage to pros. Find some videos of pro skaters doing the same trick and watch them closely. See how they do the trick differently from you and what makes their technique better.

Step 4: Identify areas for improvement. Based on your comparison, figure out what you need to change or improve in your trick. Maybe you need to move your feet more, pop harder, or catch sooner.

Step 5: Practice. Now that you know what to work on, go back to your board and practice the trick with your new insights. Focus on the aspects that need improvement and keep trying until you nail it.

That’s it! By following these steps, you’ll be able to analyze your skateboarding clips and learn new tricks like a pro!


Related: skateboarding , Skate tricks , tricks , Improving Your Tricks , skateboarding clips , skills improvement , analysis , learning .