Red Bull Skateboarding Pays Homage to the Iconic VX1000

The camera that changed skating gets some love

There is exactly one camera model that we can name, and we bet you know what we are about to say. Yeah, we did drop it in the title, but even if we hadn’t, obviously we’re talking about the Sony VX1000. It’s been synonymous with skate videos since the 1990s. That’s still true! Even in modern times, people still have affinity for the VX1000, and sometimes old-school minded filmers will still bust a VX1000 out. Red Bull Skateboarding’s latest episode of Pushing Forward is an homage to the ties that bind when it comes to the iconic camera and skateboarding.



A post shared by Red Bull Skateboarding (@redbullskate)


There were practical reasons why the Sony VX1000 became skating’s go-to camera, but obviously the relationship goes so much further now. This video is packed to the brim with people reminiscing about the importance of the VX1000 and why it endures. We’re talking appearance from legendary skater Tony Hawk to legendary filmer Beagle. If you can picture the video quality of the VX1000 in your brain, you definitely want to watch this.


Related: skateboarding , tony hawk , baker and beagle , Sony VX1000 , Skate videos , Camera model .