Red Bull Showcases Famed NOLA Skate Stop Humidity
It’s a staple of Big Easy skating
The French Quarter in New Orleans is known for many things, from great food to eclectic nightlife. However, it is also the home of Humidity, an iconic skateshop that has been serving the Big Easy since 1996. Red Bull calls Humidity the “heart and soul” of New Orleans’ skate scene, and Red Bull has showcased Humidity, and its impresario, in Established.
Humidity is currently run by Phillip Santosuosso. He’s been running it for a decade, but it was a big risk when he grabbed the reins. At the time, Santosuosso was only 18. And yet, it worked out. You can read an excerpt from a book interview, and watch Established, over at Redbull.com. Also, he’s a video from a couple months ago that Humidity dropped, highlighting local BATS: