Red Bull Dives into Skateboarding as a Sport
It’s a conversation that has been had time and time again for decades at this point. How do you feel about skateboarding as a sport? Obviously, it cannot be denied that skateboarding can be, and has been, sport-ified. The X Games begat skateboarding being in the Olympics. It doesn’t get more “sport” than that. To some, though, skateboarding is not a sport to them. In fact, they bristle at the idea of skateboarding being a sport. It’s an art, a passion, a love.
Red Bull Skateboarding gets this. In the latest episode of their series Pushing Forward, they delve into the question of skating as a sport. Can you truly “win” at skateboarding? Is that idea abhorrent to you? Whatever skateboarding means to you, it’s an interesting conversation. Check out the new Pushing Forward and then go skate. For fun, or for sport.