Magenta Announces New Pro Ruben Spelta in Style

The Italian skater has been on their radar for years

Magenta Skateboards, based out of Bordeaux, France, are one of the most-inventive skate companies in Europe. They’ve dropped some impressive videos – and some cool boards of course – over the years, including giving us a glimpse at Italian skater Ruben Spelta back in 2019. Spelta was just a promising amateur at the time, but Magenta decided to do something about that in 2021. Magenta has decided to make Spelta their latest pro, and a bunch of the team headed to Milan, Italy to join Spelta to celebrate. Oh, and to skate of course. Spelta shows Magenta around some of his favorite spots in the city, a great way to celebrate becoming a pro. Dig into Il Fantasista in the video above.

If you like your skateboards like your dip – French – then check out what Magenta has to offer.

Related: skateboarding , Magenta Skateboards , Ruben Spelta .