High Fives Up The I-5 Re-Released By Girl Skateboards

An oldie but a goodie

 Girl Skateboards, the iconic skateboard company straight outta the 90s, just dropped an oldie on us. They've re-released their legendary video, "High Fives Up The I-5," and it's great news. 

Talk about a blast from the past even the intro rocks out to classic Van Halen, the Diamond Dave era no that Sammy Hagar bullshit. Running with the devil was a great choice then as it is now, rest in peace, Eddie. Followed by Panama later from VH and Round and Round from Ratt. Just enough of that raw vibe, as the footage.

Originally unleashed in 2003, "High Fives Up The I-5" quickly gained a cult following for its raw energy and no-bs tricks. The roster of shredders in this video is nothing to scuff at. We're talking about the skate OGs like Rick Howard, Mike Carroll, Brandon Biebel, Jereme Rogers, Rick McCrank, Paul Rodriguez, Brian Anderson, and Marc Johnson. These dudes were straight-up legends, showing how it's done.

So, without further ado, feast your eyes on the video below and get a beer or soda to go with it. And hey, don't forget to hit up your crew on social media and spread the stoke.


Related: Girl Skateboards , 90s , High Fives Up The I-5 .