Alex Willms Grinds One Out for OJ Wheels

Give Keyframes a watch

Alex Willms may seem to be missing a vowel from his last name, but he definitely isn’t missing out on many skating skills. He’s also a particularly talented skateboarder when it comes to grinding. Those skills on rails (and curbs and anything else grindable) are on clear display in Keyframes, the new video from OJ Wheels starring Willms. OJ is cruising with Willms throughout San Diego, a city that is surely lovely to be in when most of the Northern Hemisphere is dealing with some brutal winter weather. Hey, any excuse to stay inside and watch videos like this one. Could Willms grind an icicle if it was big enough? Maybe someday we will find out.

Need some new wheels for your board? The OJ Wheels website would be a smart place to start your search.

Related: OJ Wheels , Alex Willms .